Shri Vande Bharti

Joined May 23, 2020

A self-professed student of spirituality and ancient Sanatan Dharma, Kshatriya by birth; I devote much of my time and energy in researching spirituality and Hinduism in a practical manner to promulgate it to the world

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followed 1419d
followed 1419d
replied 1419d
For example, a video I was just watching (note the common prefix):
replied 1419d
This link should be runnable in a browser, but if you run the lbry app, I am not sure how you are supposed to open it. What I do is search for the stuff after the last slash in url.
followed topic Embedding Videos into 1419d
1419d · Embedding Videos into
Please inform how you embed or share videos from on Memo.Cash?
How do I embed videos into posts?
followed 1419d
श्री वन्दे भर्ती द्वारा
1421d · Hinduism
Calling Hinduism a religion is like seeing the limitless sky through the narrow lens of a telescope - there were NO religious wars before Abrahamic religions started proselytizing the world.

I don’t even want a lambo.
followed topic Hinduism 1423d
1423d · Hinduism
The Sanatan Dharma; which translates to Eternal Natural Law - most humans on Mother Earth lived by it, until the onslaught of Abrahamic Religions, which is still busy proselytizing and annexation.
1423d · Hinduism
The Sanatan Dharma; which translates to Eternal Natural Law - most humans on Mother Earth lived by it, until the onslaught of Abrahamic Religions, which is still busy proselytizing and annexation.
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set name to Shri Vande Bharti 1423d
set profile 1423d
A self-professed student of spirituality and ancient Sanatan Dharma, Kshatriya by birth; I devote much of my time and energy in researching spirituality and Hinduism in a practical manner to promulgate it to the world
set name to Gita Ki Vaani 1423d