
Joined Oct 29, 2020


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replied 1196d
No, the public coffers have already been plundered. It’s the 2008 housing bubble on repeat. Idiots got a small taste of theft and sat on their hands and bought new IPhones.
bought 212 SOUR for 2,200,000 satoshis (10,377 each) from 1196d
replied 1197d
Kill your television.
Sorry to crash the sour price, I’m in a bit of a rough patch again. Anybody want to buy my lemons on the cheap?
sent 0.38312399 SOUR to 1197d
listed 212 SOUR for 2,200,000 satoshis (10,377.35849057 each) SOLD 1197d

replied 1197d
Why not to cultivate additional material to have your religious rites with? Why urine?
replied 1197d
That’s horrible.
replied 1198d
What’s the problem? Get her tested, it might not be yours.
replied 1198d
Go jack off then. I don’t care if you have want to be a coomer.
replied 1198d
I don’t know about picking safely and decided against it. Add to that, I don’t really leave until house or have friends so no connections for anything. Life is a cruel joke.
Why the fuck it so is goddamn hard to find mushrooms?!
replied 1199d
Who cares about block sizes, I’m just going to sell it back for more money from systems that caused the need for bitcoin later on. Brooo!!! Don’t you want a car and things!?!
replied 1199d
-Thanking someone is a way of showing appreciation for nice things done by others.

-No, I'm not going anywhere.

-No, I didn't steal from you.

-Not mad.

-There's nothing wrong.
sent · 600 sats 1200d
Thanks for the sats.
replied 1200d
Interesting word choice. Why "bailout" as the preferred term to let everyone know they're fucking us over?
1202d · SOUR
Join us TONIGHT for 🍋 SOUR SLP Saturdays - Blockchain Poker free-roll tourney @ 8:30 PM EST (in about 2.5 hours)!


replied 1202d
Stay sour, stack checks, boost your immunity and pucker up; I'm going in dry.
replied 1206d
Not a communist then?
replied 1206d
President Xi is a douche. I hope every CCP enthusiast learns a better way to live.
replied 1206d
More than that, actually.
replied 1206d
Remember when Roger bilked naive people out of their BTC running a fake charity?
I will be offline for a few days, but I don't want to miss the opportunity:

I hope you'll have a decent new year, you pathetic, greedy parasites.


#NewYear #Memtards
replied 1206d
Tell mom memo thanks her for the good genetics. Curves in ALL the right places.
replied 1206d
Obligatory booba.