
Joined Oct 25, 2019


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1563d · Favorite Quotes
"I am a "conspiracy theorist". I believe men and women of wealth and power conspire. If you don't think so, then you are what is called "an idiot"." - Dave Collum
replied 1590d
The popular bch wallets all probably have those fallback to protect utxo's w/ tokens.
replied 1591d
1591d · Jokes
How to slav like an anime girl
replied 1591d
The readability of is still much better. I've been pestering @Freetrade to rethink the design.
replied 1591d
Yeah, they listed some
I don't think the token balances are calculated correctly. Tokens were burned per but Memo shows it as a balance. Be wary of the balances on Memo , they don't account for burn transactions correctly.
1591d · CelticsWinAirDrop
1,111,007 sats dropped for last night's win, go Green!
replied 1591d
Imagine if you needed a car for a specific event. Just acquire ownership right before and sell asset after. No messy paperwork, sales tax etc...
Car ownership is full of friction.

I would love to see someone create a token for partial and liquid car ownership.
tipped 2 Vitalik Clapping 1591d
Car ownership is full of friction.

I would love to see someone create a token for partial and liquid car ownership.
1593d · Memo Improvements and Rewards:
Memo and member should have a reblog option.
tipped 1 Vitalik Clapping 1593d
replied 1593d
Then don't look at "everyone". That literally compiles every action in the memo universe. Curated lists are complicated and expensive to make.
replied 1595d
There isn't currently a way to do offline non-custodial open buy orders. But middle ground solutions are planned. Thanks for feedback!
random liker
1595d · Memo Improvements and Rewards:
integrated SLP dividend tool
1596d · Memo Improvements and Rewards:
Not that I want to even buy any of these stupid tokens right now... but, a buy order option for tokens.
replied 1595d
Thank one is incorrect
1596d · Memo
It seems burned tokens still show up under a tokens "balance" section on this website. A Bug, I assume.
replied 1596d
Well if you own both that would be an exception. Same for long inactive/dead tokens.
replied 1596d
Check to see if a name and/or symbol already exists before creating one of the same name, Making a token with the name/symbol of another token makes you look like a scammer.
replied 1596d
And that was not researched at all... totally for dramatic effect
1596d · Token Creation Guides
Ok... I’ll start.. do not create scammy bullshit OR throw a childlike temper tantrums while exit scamming.
replied 1596d
Thanks, came in with no context. I'll have to look into this more closely when I have time
replied 1596d
YOU gave him your coins and jumped ship, nobody forced your hand.
Tx sent. I won't be discussing CC at all anymore. I have done more than my part. DYOR, folks.