
Joined Jan 31, 2021

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replied 1171d
The pre part just means inb4 :D
replied 1171d
We can do it! Meaning, we can live with it!
replied 1171d
I take it you are not a fan of the $1400 stimulus, why?
replied 1171d
No. It is just based on 2019 earnings. But 90%+ of people qualify based on 2019 earnings. It does not take into account savings or 2020 earnings.
replied 1172d
It is for 90% of people, the lowest threshold when it starts to decline, single, is $75k income in 2019. So basically everyone gets it.
replied 1172d
I expected a weed joke considering the price, but no, pulp fiction.
1172d · National DEBT (╯°□°)╯︵ ʎɯouoɔǝ 👑👑👑
Japan closing in on 250% Debt to GDP. And Japan is great, home of Karate and Playstation.
replied 1172d
If you owned a TV network, would you not do the same?
1172d · National DEBT (╯°□°)╯︵ ʎɯouoɔǝ 👑👑👑
National Debt is great, the more the better. Also. Taxes is what makes the world go around.
replied 1172d
Not only good- sounds absolutely fantastic. Still the best hologram concert all this years later:

replied 1172d
The price only caused a loss in some particular hedge fund, there are also hedge funds that are long GME.
sent · 111,111 sats 1173d
Thank you for your donation!

Taiwan #1!
replied 1173d
It is always nice seeing pictures of friendship.
replied 1173d
What do you think of the $2000 cash check thing to everyone? Yay or nay?
replied 1173d
Or in other words, neurotypical vs not neurotypical.
replied 1173d
Said like someone that did not get their reacharound.
replied 1173d
But thanks for the welcome, this is where we hold our BCH bags in solidarity!
replied 1173d
I am not a GME bagholder, lol. I can't even afford to buy a single GME stock.
1173d · Anime, Manga, AMV, Vocaloid
replied 1173d
Great creativity, but English Miku sounds so terrible. Especially when tuned to sound like a man.
replied 1173d
Skim, but don't read. Wax on, but not Wax off.
replied 1173d
WSB does not want to squeeze silver, silver bugs want to squeeze silver and the flood to WSB to spam.
1173d · TALK
And everyone is nice
1173d · TALK
Everyone that is nice knows this
1173d · TALK
Because the internet is a nice place