
Joined Jan 31, 2021

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replied 1165d
A fair cop!
replied 1165d
Why did you get arrested? I hope you did not get any charges.
replied 1166d
No I didn't!
1166d · ELON MUSK 🏴‍☠️
Elon Musk looks a bit sick in that picture, like he ate to many cheeseburgers to fast.
replied 1166d
I did not say that.
replied 1167d
Then why are you arguing? Clearly you are still open for arguments.
replied 1167d
No you don't.
replied 1167d
Can you explain this. The demon does not like one cross but the demon likes the other? Is the cross that the demon likes good or bad?
replied 1169d
I should follow you then.
sent · 1,000 sats 1169d
Thanks for the follow. Feel free to unfollow anytime. I make low quality comments and posts :D
replied 1169d
They do! Good to hear that you did not lose everything and that you are adapting. Keep your spirits high!
replied 1169d
I am sure it can, but nobody has been able to do it so far for more than short bursts.
replied 1169d
I don't have anything other on my mind to discuss right now, but maybe in the future.
replied 1169d
Of course, respect that!
replied 1169d
You don't live in the US, right? Or else you missed out on some stimulus money!
replied 1169d
Plenty of rooms in blocks, but actual transaction capacity? All the previous stress test crap out in the low million short term and BSV can't maintain over 1 million transactions daily
replied 1169d
TSLA is a company that has a lot of aspirational buyers not based on fundamentals or realistic future market caps of the car industry, the price is build on aspirations outside cars
replied 1169d
Sure. That is just how ignorant people talk :D

Obviously there is no just in the world, if someone means it literally and don't want to expand on it then - yes - just handwaving.
replied 1169d
So you think that BCH could get more transactions than ETH currently?
replied 1170d
How do you know the wallet balance of something from a cash fusion?
replied 1170d
What do you think would happen to BCH if it got as popular as ETH?
replied 1170d
That was what I voted for ;)
replied 1170d
Because you made to much money in 2019?
replied 1170d
It is for your own protection.
replied 1170d
Tesla is not very successful, they just have a lot of stock buyers that like Elon.