
Joined May 10, 2018

Supporter of free speech, freedom and Bitcoin (BCH) - the better bitcoin.

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12 ? 100 $TSLA 10 🇧🇷 5,450,853 🇩🇰 30 🍄 5 🍄Psilocybe Cubensis🍄 99,999,999,999,198 🍕 65,115 🍞 7 🍺 245,409 🍻 1 🎅 6 🎫 261 🎵 1 🐚 110 💩 100 🗿 99 😀 2 😂 50 😈 97 😍 10 🥓🥓🥓 4 1 ✨SPORES_1J✨ 99,853 1,000,000 433 1,000 ?(°0°)? 0.1 amouranth 100 Anarcho-Capitalism 377.084604 AUDC 50 BAB 1,234 BCC 44 BEARD 1 BEEF 10.425 BK 1 BMAP 50 BTC 103.00096546 BTCMYK 100 BYTEUS 0.01 CAMS 4.34055968 CATG 5,000 CGT 200 COCO 1 Corona ☣? 1 CR7J 173,887 CRABS 1,000 CYCLONE 362 D 0.01 DELETED 1 DOGE 5 DRGN 2 DUCI 1,533 DV 1 DV25R 100 E-BIKE 10,000 EPSTEIN 0.0000234 Epstein did not kill himself 1 EXV2 10 EXXT 1,000,000 Faketoshi 50,000,000 FED 0.01 flexUSD 1,234,567,890 FREAKING FROGS 10,000,000 Google 100,100 GREAT 3,000 GTU 333 Gutiman18 95.50147133 HAM 250,000 HERM 998 HERNZZZZ 10 HNY2020 11,189 HONK 66,931 HONKS 1 I5 999 ILY 1 IOUB 5,184,629 iPROMISE 73.54408 IRTX 20,999,979 JOLLYROGERCASH 47 KitKat🍫 1 KRT 100 LocalVisibility 986,769 MDB 10 MEMO 1 MEMOOG6 1 MemoXV01 5 MGTOW 1,000 MINSAT 25 MIS 2 MRC 100 NAKAMOTO 50.03 NG Coin 100 Non Aggression Principle 1,000 OBCAT 1,000 OCCAT 1,000 OCST 1,000 OLCAT 0.00000964 ONE 1,000 OOCAT 1,000 OPCAT 0.16211912 Orange1 1.3 ORO 1,000 OTCAT 1,000 PCH 0.00000001 PEER 1 PHYL 13,661 PRO 10,000,000 R 3:3 52,240.1015 RFND 2,000 RKT 🚀 0.15506555 RNEW 117,577,142,857 ROTHBARD 52,222 SCRAM 0.00001068 Sending Token 45 SGRPT 1,500 SHHH 10,000 SLV 100 SMART 92,233,719,366,145.765625 SoV 0.00000008 SPICE 1 ST 146.2533056 SWEET 1,000,000 TAXATION = THEFT 78,477.7655 TBS 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 test 405 TEST3 1,025,000 TFC 3 ThankYou 2,002 TOMS 100 Tps 40 TTT 0.01 USDH 3,895.947758 VNT 500 WEL 0.1 WRS 100 X-bloterismorph 348.099096 XPHX 20 YOD 3,322 YouMakeMeFeelLikeANaturalWoman 35 ZAPT

1630d · Hu's back?
Guess who's back, back again
Hu's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back?
Onchain Memo from 40.000 feet
1650d · RealmX
Anyone tried it?
1651d · AUDC
Can anyone inform me what the AUC token is?
I frequently receive small amounts of this token from the address 1Kuub8c6XcM7K9gq
Seems like it is automated - but for what purpose?
1656d · Guess a translated Danish song
Call it love. Call it whatever you want. No words exists. No words exists that are completely adequate. So call it whatever you want.
1657d · Guess a translated Danish song
The cops arrived before we expected them. In the middle of the night. Me and my baby were at it again. In the middle of the night. They threw gas through the windows.
1658d · Blitz Ticker
Appears that Blitz has reduced the amount of transactions they send. BCH 24h tx count currently down to 18K from +50k when Blitz was most active.
1684d · Silver
Silver is now crashing back down... Maybe too much hype short term.
1684d · Bitcoin Cash
It is so ingrained into BTC's crowd that hardforks are dangerous that it will hard to ever agree on increasing the max block size. A significant crowd even wants to reduce the limit...
1688d · ⛏CCO
Can you share your recent dividend transaction here?
I am ill with a disease called Roskilde-syge - go ahead and Google it at your own peril
1696d · Memo
Idea: Set time limit for polls. Could configurable and would allow to set a poll/bet to guess a game result without being able to vote after it has started.
I just gave my niece some BCH as gift for her namegiving. I will help ensure that it is safely stored until she is old enough to learn about it.
I just gave my niece some BCH as gift for her namegiving. I will help ensure that it is safely stored until she is old enough to learn about it.
The new BCH dividend to SLP token holders is awesome.
I got about a million satoshi on my Memo account from Roger Ver when he tested this by holding CGT and HERNZZZZ
Fundraiser overview (rounded numbers):

General Fund: 260 BCH
ABC: 436 BCH
Bcash: 6 BCH
BU: 307 BCH
Verde: 1 BCH
Bitprim: 1 BCH
Flowee: 2 BCH

Grand total: 1.115 BCH

The site only says 805 BCH...
New token available for sale:
Store of Value (SoV)

Only one for sale, so grab it while you can!!!!
1747d · Crypto Wall of Shame
Whalepanda, Charlie Lee, Samson Mow.
1747d · Crypto Wall of Shame
John Ratcliff
1749d · Blitz Ticker
1750d · Blitz Ticker
Blitz stopped sending transactions since yesterday and BCH 24 hour tx count has dropped to 16k. So Blitz has been sending about 50k tx per day until then...
1756d · $500
A song to celebrate retaking the $500 price for BCH
1756d · Blitz Ticker
Someone could/should try to estimate the percentage of daily BCH transactions Blitz Ticker is responsible for.
1756d · Blitz Ticker
I think it is positive if there is a use-case for such onchain activity. But we should keep this service in perspective when we mock BSV for having 98% weather data.