
Joined May 15, 2019

Je suis un ami des chats.

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1372d · Twitter
You don't really own your Twitter handle.

Twitter owns it.

Twitter has the ultimate authority over who posts with your identity, not you.
1370d · Photography
tipped 1 HONK 1369d
1370d · memo
Memo rules. Twitter monitors&blocks everyth. I DM user ab/ alt chat apps & when he linked Matrix got temp blockd IMMEDIATELY. also my TikTok was del & I was email ab/ copyright 4 15sec music snip
1370d · memo
Memo rules. Twitter monitors&blocks everyth. I DM user ab/ alt chat apps & when he linked Matrix got temp blockd IMMEDIATELY. also my TikTok was del & I was email ab/ copyright 4 15sec music snip
Watercolour painting of a castle.

In memory of the recent failed attack on #BitcoinCash.

Today only proved again how resilient Bitcoin Cash is. I'd like to see any other coin get attacked as much as BCH and survive. If BCH is going to topple the current financial system, it needs to be tested. #dailymemo