
Joined Apr 26, 2018

MAGA! WWG1WGA! End the Fed!

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1827d · US Politics/Trump
Dems will still be "finding" "potential" obstruction of justice years into their jail terms. That's if they are lucky enough to not be hung for TREASON. WWG1WGA
replied 1827d
1827d · US Politics/Trump
1827d · US Politics/Trump
Mueller report says Trump right again... LR still wrong. More denial, random low IQ Twitter posts and lots of SALT incoming!
1844d · Bitcoin SV
These BSV blocks are absolutely HUGE. It makes BTC and BCH look like jokes.
1847d · Flat Earth
replied 1846d
Sk8eM dUb
Qanon is a do your own research kind of thing. If you're too low IQ to fact check legitimacy for yourself the Q is certainly not meant for you. Stick to CNN and sitcoms.
1847d · QAnon
Q may originate in the US but it is a worldwide movement. No matter where you're from I can guarantee your government is completely corrupt and an arm of the deepstate. Take France, Q signs galore.
1848d · US Politics/Trump
Has LR ever said anything that didnt later prove to be incorrect. If so I havent seen it.
1849d · US Politics/Trump
Oh LightRider, why don't you want people to see this? https://qmap.pub
1848d · QAnon
Are you in a coma? No Russian Collusion... Proof of a Coup against a Duly Elected President of the United States and a TREASONOUS Dem party. Whats the punishment for TREASON? Enjoy the show! #WWG1WGA
1848d · QAnon
1848d · QAnon
Just a reminder for anyone who hasn't read about Q
1849d · QAnon
1848d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Islam is a Death Cult... not a Religion.
1848d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Yes go on and ignore reality.
1850d · QAnon
Take the I out of IQ and you get Qanon. #PanicInDC #PAIN
1850d · Elongated Skulls
1850d · US Politics/Trump
1850d · US Politics/Trump
No collusion LR, save your BCH for something else. All the BCH in the world will not get Trump impeached any sooner.
1851d · US Politics/Trump
It's been a witch hunt, but now the hunt will turn towards the real wrong doers.
1851d · US Politics/Trump
LightRider, you must be loosing your mind fighting with your false information.
1851d · QAnon
1851d · US Politics/Trump
So after today it's safe to say... Best President ever! #Trump2020
1851d · QAnon
Except Judge Kavanagh, Jussie Smollett, The Covington Kid and Russian Collusion. But don't let facts get in your way of doubling down again everytime LOLLOLOLOL. #MAGA #WWG1WGA