6h · Xolos Ramirez
8h · Memo
2024-10-14, there were
16728 txs on BCH chain, 684646 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.4%
1894892-1894818=74 memo txs, 📈51.0%(compared w/ prev 49), account for 44.2‱ of all BCH txs
13h · Memo
2024-10-13, there were
46240 txs on BCH chain, 526334 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=8.8%
1894818-1894769=49 memo txs, 📉31.0%(compared w/ prev 71), account for 10.6‱ of all BCH txs

Peach-Mango Pie 🍑🥭🥧
Snack time at the moment. Someone treat me a snack that's why I'm happy. I really like this pie from Jollibee.
2d · Memo
2024-10-12, there were
14824 txs on BCH chain, 730804 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.0%
1894769-1894698=71 memo txs, 📉45.0%(compared w/ prev 129), account for 47.9‱ of all BCH txs
https://app.cauldron.quest/swap/f5d5910c90117f081b03486db9bdf72e7884c308e6175fa503c0f8a66669e163 still one of the best CashTokens.

Sell it now if you have it or add some liquidity.
1d · Dance and music
Users, who are trading Dance and Music tokens, are earning. I like tokens - Round 299 - https://www.mintme.com/token/Dance-and-music/posts/I-like-tokens-Round-299
2d · Dance and music
https://www.mintme.com/token/Donatello-Club/posts/Donatello-Club-Get-free-tokens-Round-23 Currently, this is the event offering the highest earning potential.
Lord, Thank you for helping us every day. Thank you for keeping my family safe all the time. I know there are more things I have to be thankful for in my life and I want to express how grateful I am today ♥️.
1d · Gold
Gold Fever Hits Costco: 77% of Stores Sell Out Amid Soaring Demand for Bullion https://news.bitcoin.com/gold-fever-hits-costco-77-of-stores-sell-out-amid-soaring-demand-for-bullion/
3d · Memo
2024-10-11, there were
14756 txs on BCH chain, 720023 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.0%
1894698-1894569=129 memo txs, 📈143%(compared w/ prev 53), account for 87.4‱ of all BCH txs
3d · Hispanidad ][ Plus Ultra ][
Hoy es el Día de la Hispanidad .
Ya está disponible la versión en español de "El secuestro de Bitcoin", el libro de Roger Ver y Steve Patterson. 📙

Cómpralo a través de Bitgree y págalo con BCH:

2d · Dance and music
2d · Dance and music
I'm investing in the VecX token on Mintme: https://www.mintme.com/token/VecX. Does anyone know who created this token?
5d · Dance and music
Se stiamo insieme by Riccardo Cocciante - Karaoke cover by Donatello
Happy singing! Please don't cry!
5d · Memo
2024-10-09, there were
14018 txs on BCH chain, 606652 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.3%
1894516-1894443=73 memo txs, 📈10.6%(compared w/ prev 66), account for 52.1‱ of all BCH txs
10d · Dance and music
Feel free to share your thoughts! Do you notice any sense of community on Memo.cash?
I'm watching "The office" for The first Time .
6d · Dance and music
I like tokens - Round 294 - https://www.mintme.com/token/Dance-and-music/posts/I-like-tokens-Round-294 - Use other markets within the Dance and Music token ecosystem if you want to earn.