Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
Back from the beach clean, beautiful day for it

1677d · site status
Memo site had a short outage due to a code update. The issue has been resolved, sorry for the inconvenience.
1678d · Memo
You can now view self-replies rolled up. Link in block explorer dropdown, e.g.
sent · 2,726,957 sats 1677d
Donating in honor of Eric Reid's awesomeness!
So how we can earn satoshi here :)
I have no problem with anybody.I am here to find and discuss information on Bitcoin Cash. If you decide you just want to start calling me names,then you will be muted.I don't have time for kiddie games or trash talk.
vanity block (n.):

A Bitcoin block created only to demonstrate that creating a significantly larger block is possible.

See also: Bitcoin SV
replied 1677d
This comment gave me brain cancer.
1678d · Memo
BCH: 530982-529575=1407 memo txs. num of tx📉25.5%, account for 3.2% of all BCH txs(43340)
BSV: 798732-798442=280 memo txs. num of txs📈3.6%, (134990)
BTC: (301559), BCH/BTC=14.4%
1677d · Capitalism
I am one of the #fuckingcapitalists. I understand the ire against it, yet it remains the only system that allows for individual freedom. All other systems subjugate individual to the state.

The only reason BCH is 3% of btc value is USDT & Co, the scammers......
Shuffle Saturdays are great! We should make Memo Mondays a thing too!
1677d · Bitcoin Cash
I tried It is not ideal. I couldn't activate 2FA, had some issues with their interface. It needs some fixes. Most trading pairs are useless for me (only using ETH/BCH)
There will be a force stronger than superman!
1678d · Bitcoin Cash
I will match the next $100 in BCH donations today for the SLP Hackathon, hoping some interesting new ideas come from it.
replied 1677d
Yet another dark reminder that OP_RETURN is uncensorable, but isn't!

This time it's an outage. Who knows next time?
replied 1677d
The Member website is also censorable. I'm working hard to bring you an app that you can download that won't be though :)
Is there a way for memo to enable paywalls? Pay a set amount to read someone's posts. #dailymemo
sent · 2,726,957 sats 1677d
Okay Eric Reid another one for SLP

Be careful with this guy. He's a scammer.
replied 1677d
I'm praying for u
replied 1677d
Memo is worth the wait, seeing that that was the first problem I encountered here I thought it was my laptop lol
created poll 1677d
What is your favorite sport?
American Football 0 votes · 0 satoshis
World Football (Soccer) 5 votes · 0 satoshis
Basketball 1 votes · 0 satoshis
Baseball 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Hockey 0 votes · 0 satoshis
MMA or Boxing 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Tennis 0 votes · 0 satoshis
ESports 2 votes · 0 satoshis
