1909d · memo
The first large memo:


How are you reading this article? How did it go from my laptop to your screen?
By the time you read this, I will have posted it on Yours.org, tweeted the link out, and posted it in other various channels. As of the time of writing, The BCH Boys podcast has 750 Twitter followers. Some of those followers have thousands of followers, and others have less than 100. Every person who may come in contact with this piece is a “node” in a large social network. Looking at it this way, we could deduce that we have 750 links to 750 nodes. But do we? How many of those nodes are logged in at the time that we tweet the piece? How many of those nodes will scroll right past the tweet and not even notice it? How many will retweet it to their followers (more nodes), continuing the broadcast?
If our intention is to spread this article as far and wide as possible, the connections between people are more important than how many followers we have. When we tweet, only...
replied 1908d
I'm not sure how this propagated to memo.cash, the full post is here: https://sv.memo.cash/post/7732048120e10cbbf038703ef409627c0ab77dccd7375ebbd8896022b333281b
replied 1908d
1908d · memo
Yesterday 319757-319206=551 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈46.2%|abc(319736-319185=551,📈46.2%),sv(707926-707125=801,📈21.0%)
Haven't been on in a while. Hey, Memo!
In general, most Bitcoiners (BTC and BCH) agree that Bitcoin is a highly secure network that is immutable and robust. You would find it incredibly difficult to change past transactions or disrupt network communication. The main point of contention comes when discussing “miner centralization” of the network, where BTC proponents argue that scaling Bitcoin on-chain centralizes the network. However, what does centralization actually mean? Think back to the beginning of this article when we discussed Twitter. The number of followers was not as important as how connected the followers are. Graph theory classifies “decentralization” not by the number of nodes in the network, but by the interconnectivity of the network. Information fed into a decentralized network is dispersed and accessible rapidly by any node connected in the network.
We can take the small-blocker argument of “decentralization” to its logical conclusion and break down why it is not rooted in any aca...
1908d · Educational
Ever wondered what was important in alignment?
New GreenPages.cash API is done. Starting the process of rebuilding the site in React.

Should be fun learning React - already loving it.
Billy's Bitcoin: A Children's Bitcoin Story

"Billy's Bitcoin" is a children's book by Jason Chatfield (artist/writer of Ginger Meggs) and Naomi Brockwell.
replied 1908d
Ok thx. Hopefully it won't split too much the memo community
There is now a setting on sv.memo.cash to enable big memos (up to 8192 characters). If you are using un-split coins this will cause them to be split. Also transactions may take awhile to confirm and can get lost.
replied 1908d
This is incorrect. BitcoinCash dev teams understand the importance of optimizations.

BitcoinCash devs understand that idiots can be deceived by PR scaling.
1908d · memo
If someone doesn’t like this development, just stay on the limited BCH/ABC site. Love the HUGE messages in BSV MEMO.cash version!
replied 1908d
Sad to hear we will probably soon end up in our own echo chambers :( I like to follow the SV side too. Though you get some ABC coins when you get tips from me :P
replied 1909d
1909d · Capitalism
replied 1909d
yes everyone *can*. but you have people who's full time "job" is to meddle while the people whose lives they meddle in are busy living (working, raising families, hobbies).
replied 1909d
Pruning just means you don't have to keep it in your UTXO set. You still need them to validate transaction history.
1909d · whotipped.it
Update: Charts added https://whotipped.it/Chart/
replied 1909d
Most nodes are not mining these transactions. It took a couple hours for these to confirm. Until these are regularly mined, we will keep limits in place.
1908d · memo
Long messages are now shortened in feed. You can open posts to view entire message.
Being able to write full articles onchain... :)
replied 1908d
replied 1908d