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704d · covid-19
replied 703d
It's too bad SILENTSAM died of COVID & can't see this.
replied 703d
I really struggle with this image. Trudeau a "young WEF leader", who will tell obvious in your face lies all day long, "oversees" one of the areas where he has done most damage.
replied 703d
And he lets such totally clear stuff through. I know he cannot control every department 100% and so on, but still, they have been telling his lies for 2 years, why not now?
replied 703d
Can this be part of a "rubbing it in" ritual, where he thinks (probably rightfully) that he can say this and get away with it, and it will break the spirit of people or something?
replied 703d
I kinda feel another graph with the absolute % in each category is necessary. e.g what % are fully vaxxed vs unvaxxed to begin with.