Create account

replied 1356d
She had me at 17 and was a total whore too. I should tell her to create an a memo account and cry for a new phone.
replied 1356d
Yeah, just go find a girlfriend and stop wanking all day, kid, I think you have a brain damage already, I will post whatever the fuck I want in here you can keep talking shit if u want
replied 1356d
I can smell the HPV and poor life choices from here..
replied 1356d
Why do you have too be mean too her? She doesn't have any money.
She lives in a socialist country, it is not her fault for being born there.
replied 1355d
Thank you Uther, and Im not a scam later I will upload some pics
replied 1356d
The handles asking you for money, it’s all David Knife, using different accounts to exploit your charity.
replied 1177d
Wow signed back in just to poke around. Seen this and a couple other post. None true. Figure up wht you gave me ill pay back after i gt stim chk. Im not a scammer. I was in need btw
replied 1356d
David wouldn't do that.
replied 1356d
The naïveté....

I’m going to create a number of dupe accounts begging for money each and every day. I’ll consolidate the funds then give them to someone that really needs them.
replied 1356d
I bought some DVDs at the fuel station today.
replied 1356d
Colonel Sanders first name was Arlen, think I’d know that if I was passing out steaming bowls of bat soup?
replied 1356d
Everyone knows the corona virus did not come from someone eating bats.
replied 1356d
Uther, the pieces are right in front of you, you need only put them together.
replied 1356d
The purpose of the tips is to make Uther feel himself better, so it's irrelevant to him where the money ends up.
replied 1356d