Harsh words. You do know what happened to the CHAZ zone? When there no longer is the vague threat of police, some people just go idiot in like 5 seconds and start ruining things
I do not think you would actually have liked to live without police. There are many reasons (slavery, rampant theft/violence and so on). But it seems your mind closed on the matter.
You have gotten so upset with the police that you have stopped seeing the world as it really is, and even when it is pointed out to you you don't even consider that you might be wrong.
Maybe I actually had some experience with the police and you are just talking from your imagination? Corrupt #police has not only fucked up my life, but of so many innocent people.
OF COURSE it was some experience that made you upset. That does not mean that there isn't a bigger picture that you refuse to look at. People will abuse power with or without police.
This is quite problematic. However, there is a real problem with the disconnect between the man in the street and the people who give orders to the police. It almost begs for abuse.
And often abuse is exactly what is happening. The difference between countries is big on this issue, some places, police is not much more than a violent weapon of oppression, while
other places, they mostly do the common man a service, though of course always in some accordance with what the rulers want. But if you remove police, you will likely end up having
to set up a new kind of force that does the same type of job, or live with a very different type of society where "might makes right" (culture might avoid this short but not long term)
Look, I just talk frmo experience, not speculating at all. I have been abused by police ten times more than by anyone else. Because against anyone else, I was able to protect myself.
Police is just an arm of the state. The state is just the biggest gang around. Without police the state will lose power, and smaller gangs will grow into the power vacuum.
Without police the state would finally become a real state democratically represented by the people and not just a fake democracy like everywhere on this planet.
Do you think you can stand up to the really nasty gangs that exist some places? You will get them close to you if you remove police and do not provide a proper alternative.
It might actually be this stupid fear of death that they programmed into the minds that makes so many believe that the police is necessary or the better compromise.
It seems you have so strong feelings about this that I think it is better that I do not go on with this, even though I think you are wrong about most of what you are saying atm.
Sometimes I think answering people will do more harm than good. I though this might be one of those cases, now I feel like answering at least some of your comments.
You misunderstand slightly. In the recent past I thought it might do more harm than good. Now I am not so sure. I suggest you make your own choices of whether you want to read or not
Criminals often just rob from these who rely on the police "security" If there was no police, they might actually build a higher wall around their house instead of buying the third car
The bigger the wall, the bigger the cannon to shoot a hole in that wall. You really think if that was how everyone lived, there would be no gangs building these cannons?
Of course, "cannons" are just a figure of speech. They might also for example wait until you exit your big walled house to go to work or buy grocery. Then they do their stuff.
Did you know that Satan is just a guy with red skin and horns who tries his best, but nobody likes him? I am starting to wonder whether you are a gangster yourself.
Yes, I realize that in a difficult situation, people form gangs, and the ones who do not become almost certain victims. But then there are other gangs, and fights for territory or
whatever, and people die in these wars. States go to war too, but to believe that you can get rid of the biggest gang (the state) and not have another biggest gang, instead a utopia,
sounds rather gullible to me. How can there be not a biggest gang or a bunch of gangs battling each other for supremacy? And why do you think these dirty battles are "democracy"?
Even if this totally unrealistic scenario were to become reality, it would not stop crime at all. Some people are sufficiently desperate/uncaring that even if they had to
snipe someone in order to steal their pocket money in a safe way, they would do it. Also, gangs are groups of people. Enough people ganging up on you will mean resistance is futile.
If there was no police, obviously guns would be legal, I prefer to protect myself and die in the battle, than living as a slave who is forced to obey to whatver they want to do.
Inside a socialist state, I fail to see how this would work in practice. "No communism without gulag", socialism has the same problem. That is, without force and threats, people will
not do what is needed for the state to work under socialism, since incentives are wrong. Capitalism sets much better (though still far from "perfect") incentives.
Dude, I am living in #Venezuela and these "nasty" gangs which you have seen on television, are VERY RARE in real life. The real nasty gang, is the police force. They arm the gangs.
The problem with your reasoning that the police force is the real nasty gang is that a people get the government it deserves. If the police were removed the state would become impotent
, but in addition, the power vacuum that removing this gang leads to would likely lead to other gangs growing into the role that the police "gang" played.
You live in, and glorify Venezuela. Yet, an arm of the Venezuelan state, the police, you hate. I really struggle to understand how you don't see that this is a failing of the state.
The police in theory is neither good nor bad, it is the immune system of the state. An immune system can become broken (corrupt in the case of police), and attack healthy cells/people.