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replied 1857d
Money Talks, ABC feel-good philosophies don't mean shit. Besides when's the last time BCH side actually funded Memo project? Memo knows were it's bread is buttered (SV).
replied 1857d
BCH is more than a company or a cartel of 2 companies.
replied 1857d
BCA Discord says they are halting funding of new projects and EatBCH is running low on funding.
replied 1857d
Yes, but that doesn't fund the third party devs. They will do whatever needed to stay afloat, even changing coin allegiance to receive funding. BCA is not funding new project...
replied 1857d
Thinking that all projects have to survive or get funded is very socialist of you.
replied 1857d
Many projects should fail, there is an overabundance of open source projects. The projects that want to survive don't sit around expecting a sugar daddy to save them.
replied 1857d
"sit around expecting a sugar daddy to save them."

Most of the BSV projects seem to be doing that.
replied 1857d
replied 1857d
You're projecting again. :P
replied 1857d
Projects pander to the funding, they follow the money. Ether Memo panders to BCA, or the do a turn around and pander to BSV, Not all projects can survive in a free market.