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Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
🍺 probably the best SLP ever created.

Only 951 🍺's in existence.
More transactions than tokens !!!
No bullshit promises of dividends.
Wide spread distribution.
Created in June 2019
Sexiest token available ;-)
replied 1396d
replied 1396d
What happened to 49 of them?
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1396d
I assume they must of been sent to a non SLP address and got destroyed :-(
replied 1397d
Wow. How I wish i get more up-to 10
replied 1397d
Happy Friday
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1397d
Happy Friday feels, have a most excellent weekend my man :-)
replied 1397d
The best token around no doubt.
replied 1396d
How? What makes it best token
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1397d
You know it ;-)