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1414d · memo
Coming soon!
replied 1414d
Still focusing on the important stuff I see.
replied 1324d
this is awesome!
replied 1413d
hey I'm having a really hard time logging out. I don't think it should be so hard to find that option. also, I'm looking for python pump and dumbers to take my tokens to the moon.when?
Bilal Aksin
replied 1361d
replied 1408d
no interest... when Steve Jobs died, i remember the question that was often asked: what would Jony Ive be without Steve Jobs? answer: $10,000.00 watch. you are still missed, Steve.
replied 1414d
can you fix the memo website? it just errors when I try to make a post there so I switched to now
replied 1414d
Looks like your account had an issue from back in February. It should be fine now.