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replied 1090d
It won't be BTC obviously, because that just won't work. Or lightning 🙄 Another similarity is that people that got cellphones early, mostly used them to call landlines, because not
replied 1090d
| many had cellphones. This is a bit like using crypto through a service like BitPay that converts it to fiat right at point of purchase. But as more people adopt it, then you'll start
replied 1090d
| to see true peer-to-peer transfer, & direct payment to vendors. I think the key will for regular people to *see* it being used, without people making a big hullabaloo about it. Don't
replied 1090d
| say, "Hey, check this out!" because then they will think, "Oh, he's selling/promoting something". Instead just be nonchalant about it. People will see something interesting happening
replied 1090d
| & be curious & not want to be left out of something new. This might be a good use for actual shills. A lot of people don't know what that word actually means. When selling things on
replied 1090d
| public thoroughfares, vendors would give their sales spiel/demo & when they were done, an acquaintance of theirs pretending to be just a passer-by would "buy" the first item. This
replied 1090d
| would trigger a lemming effect & a cascade of buyers. So if you buy using crypto in public at busy times every day, it should eventually trigger more adoption.