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1477d · linux
Guvcview is the best webcam application for Linux I have encountered so far. It is no-frills, but it does the job well and allows for more customization than Cheese and Kamoso. #MondayMemo
replied 1473d
replied 1470d
I have tried it out today. Compared to Guvcview, it has a nicer user interface and more filters, but at the expense of a slightly reduced number of webcam controls (at least for me).
replied 1477d
Interesting - do you think it would work with USB microscopes/etc. ?
In particular the focus settings are somewhat crucial for such things.
Cheese was always my scope choice...
replied 1476d
I would say Guvcview works with anything supported by Video4Linux. If your equipment works with Cheese, then it should work with Guvcview as well.
replied 1476d
Regarding focus settings, it depends whether such functionality is available for your device. I have a Logitech webcam with autofocus and I can adjust the focus manually on Guvcview.