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replied 816d
Also, question is, we got what, <10 active users? I am not sure content creators would bother to stay if they saw how small the audience really was.
replied 816d
Oh, and how to do this? Do we maintain a list of "true" content creators? And if someone on that list posts something rather average that I do not care so much about, what should I do?
replied 816d
Reply "oh, Mister Content Creator, that is so amazing!!!!"? And then he and my post gets a couple of "this guy is a effing spy". Shall I quarrel about that, will that really look good?
replied 816d
Valid points, but this was an example of what prompted me . There’s a difference between encountering trolls and encountering nothing but trolls.
replied 816d
What's wrong? No lies are being told, you can look up on the block explorer how much was sent too Naomi, .5 BCH
replied 816d
This guy is one of the gangstalking murderers here and is one of the spies here...
replied 816d
This guy is friends with the gangstalking murderers here and is one of the spies here.*
replied 816d
I admit i offer no solutions, as my post was a spontaneous reaction.