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My life has changed dramatically these last few months, unable to be full time curator in the Bitcoin Cash City this saddens me. In between between sick, moving house and getting a job. Curating is a essential service
replied 624d
Saludos, soy nuevo en esta plataforma. Espero te mejores y salgas de la situación en la que estás... Bendiciones.
replied 624d
Welcome to Memo!!! Thanks for the well wishes 🙏
replied 624d
I hope everything goes well, health and peace of mind come first. Cheer up, gather strength and continue. 💪
replied 624d
Sorry to hear that. Hope you're allright again.
replied 570d
Yes just adjust to the changes and move on, now I am educating the general public about Bitcoin Cash
replied 568d
Together we build an economic economy outside the global universal basic income trap coming. Yet my faith in humanity is fading, a struggle somehow picked up 3 years ago. Yet Fight on
replied 568d
Keep fighting. Just remember to go "offline" sometimes for a "vacation". I have found it to be a good way to keep my sanity :-)