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replied 1680d
not sure why the change but it looks to me like Memo is one of the main SLP enabled platforms right now, deff not hijacked.
replied 1680d
I hope you're right but the lack of transparency about why it suddenly got closed-source is concerning to say the least...
replied 1680d
I don't want to speak for Jason,I'm not sure why he changed it and if you're concerned you shouldn't put a lot of BCH on your wallet
(I don't mean for that to sound cold)
replied 1680d
The purpose for open sourcing was to have other implementations and to get community support. Neither happened so that plan was aborted. The code is still available though.
replied 1680d
Thanks @memo however it's still unclear what you get by keeping it closed-source. Would open-sourcing it conflict with future plans to turn it into a profitable venture somehow?
replied 1680d
I wish there would be a better alternative to reddit and rbtc but I can't recommend people to switch to a closed-source platform unless there is a good reason for it to be proprietary.
replied 1680d
Although the Memo portal is closed source
the Memo protocol upon which it is based is very visible.
It is all you need to code your own portal to the 'memoVerse'.
replied 1680d
Sure and I hope I'll have time to write my own Memo client one day but in the meantime I think it really hinders adoption :(
replied 1678d
Offering up to 300 USDH reward for an open-source memo protocol plugin for Electron Cash
replied 1677d
What is USDH ? (not on my radar)
I have something composed elsewhere for decoding
but rewriting for EC would need clarifying - would only for sending be enough?
replied 1677d
USDH is a stablecoin 1:1 backed by U.S. dollars on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.
replied 1677d
"Up to 300 USDH" - depending on features, etc. - 300 USDH = a full memo in EC
replied 1680d
There are existing open source implementations
replied 1680d
*Useless code is available though

replied 1680d
I've had many interactions with Jason and I feel like I can trust him, that's just me though,if anyone chooses not to use Memo they have the right to do so
replied 1680d
I trust Jason too. But I exported my private keys, of course.
replied 1680d
I would deff suggest everyone makes a back up of their Memo keys
in case the site goes down or you get locked out or forget your password
replied 1679d
I have imported my memo key in Electron Cash SLP works for balance and tokens - I also have a paper backup
replied 1680d
Yeah, everyone should do that.
replied 1680d
replied 1680d
It was only open source for a few months over a year ago. Nothing sudden happened.