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1902d · ⛏CCO
None the less the next airdrop is slated for 3 BCH in december...
replied 1902d
I regret buying ADD, please forgive me for straying from the path. :(
replied 1902d
I have some ADD tokens too...
replied 1902d
I’m buying my CC when it’s up for sale.
replied 1902d
How many you need?
replied 1902d
How many you selling, huckleberry?
replied 1902d
Are you looking for a certain target market share?
replied 1902d
I may go into the vault and pull out 15 more...
replied 1902d
We need a meme war between CC and ADD.
replied 1902d
We need not to focus on war..we can however focus on raising our blockchain strength.. We can unite and transact at the same time instead spread apart
replied 1902d
We can choose a time where we all try to reach the pool limit all at the same time...
replied 1902d
There are more productful things we can be held accountable for ... And yes friends we should consider!!!
replied 1902d
We should consider where we stand in time, and what we did as a community with that time...
replied 1902d
We may have differnces...but we do have commonality...
replied 1902d
Which is:
BCH is permissionless P2P cash on global scale.
replied 1902d
replied 1902d
We can meme war later though....after we have dominated the crypto world...