Some of my predicted prices when USDT is shut down.
btc $300
BCH $20
eth $10
xrp- 0.2cents
ltc $5
str 0.005cents
zec $5
xmr $5
dash $5
What would float BTC above 10 USD once you remove USDT from the picture?
Imagine a real panic. BTC would stop functioning completely and its price would quickly converge to 0.
I do think a death spiral for btc is possible....if it does, congrats to Blockstream, usdt and & co...champain time...mission accomplished.
The collapse of these 2 schemes are mandatory for the future of p2p money.
I'm pretty sure that BTC won't be
#1 after the much needed reset and most shitcoins will disappear/fade into irrelevance.
ETH and BCH are perfectly positioned to take the lead (these networks have real and significant communities only).
It's impossible to predict.
Interesting predictions
xrp edit agin lol its going to 2cents.
edit xrp 0.002cents