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Record high sale of Honk Honk token on Altilly:
900,000 Honk tokens were sold for 0.009 Bitcoin, that was around 26 BCH satoshi per token last Saturday on February 1st.
#Honk #Honk Honk
replied 1535d
Am I correct by saying that is 82.70 USD?
replied 1535d
Yes, that’s right.
replied 1535d
I got an airdrop of 20 milllion honk tokens for buying 200.00 worth of SBS. At that value, they would be worth 1822.00. And 10,000 RNEW tokens Maybe that was a good purchase.
replied 1535d
Well, that was very good. That was exceptional sale of Honk Token because it’s value is around 1 satoshi.
replied 1535d
Maybe someone just sold to themselves to try and boost the price. If the Honk token can ever get a market cap of 5 billion that would be .a nickel a piece.Maybe sometime down the road.