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replied 958d
Calm_down_stupid 1Ewniz
Yay beer!!
Dr. Uther 1MBFpC
replied 954d
These two people are the same people. They both have 3 word names and show up at the same time.
Calm_down_stupid 1Ewniz
replied 952d
We certainly not the same people. Just because you use a shit load of different accounts don't assume everyone else does. sad to see memo still full of retards.
replied 952d
You are a damn asshole, go fuck off.
replied 940d
Lolol… still playing the fool uther… sad sack you are
replied 940d
Great, you are a self admitted psychopath.
replied 939d
If that’s what you gathered… try a little introspect 🤔
replied 939d
Not to be a total Karen, but did you mean introspection?