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replied 974d
Lower. Zero actually, as I would have to find a way to live several centuries and still somehow manage to die in the impact.
replied 974d
I didn't ask about the chance of you dying from the impact, that's just a comparative odds. I want you to compare the odds of 2 separate events. It's not all about you this time.
replied 974d
You literally asked if the chance was higher or lower of "you" dying.
replied 974d
You should have said, "Is that a higher or lower chance than dying of COVID-19?"
replied 974d
Maybe that would've helped. It just seems obvious that's not what I meant since I say "next few hundred years". I think the earliest would be in ~ 150 years. I might live that long.
replied 973d
Dying from COVID however remote, is far more likely than getting killed by any asteroid impact. You're even more likely to get killed by a cow or a fridge- even a vending machine.
replied 973d
Than an asteroid...