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replied 1896d
Roger is using diversification. This doesn't work well anymore, not even for stocks. It will work even less well for crypto currencies where the winner will take 99% of the market.
replied 1896d
>This doesn't work well anymore, not even for stocks.

I knew you were out there, but I didn't know you were smoking crack sherry. Why do you make these weird, obviously false claims?
replied 1896d
Why is this important to you? Do you invest in stocks?
replied 1895d
Yes, jackass, but I mostly just don't want misinformation stored on the BCH blockchain without any rational or skeptical response. I also want you to get the help you desperately need
replied 1895d
I was going to tell you the answer to your question above, but then your manners are calling for memo++ instead.
replied 1895d
I know that you're only here to mislead, it's not that big of a secret. It's just confusing that you make statements like "diversification doesn't work" that are so easily proven false