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1459d · Politics
replied 1451d
I notice "Other" is super stable at 0.
Dr. Uther 17Xudk
replied 1451d
Maybe they don't measure that
replied 1451d
I could have suggested that "other" is too small to be visible on the graph, but that would ruin the joke that "other" is the most stable energy source, wouldn't it
Dr. Uther 17Xudk
replied 1451d
Oh you were making a joke about a graph?.. That is why I didn't get it lol..
replied 1451d
Something like that. I guess I was just bored, and wanted to lighten the mood or stir up some toy trouble or something.
replied 1459d
Issues in all energy sectors but the largest issue was the ice storms covering the wind turbines. In Minneapolis we have to de-ice the wings of planes at the airport. They just need
replied 1459d
| to have a de-icing plan.
replied 1459d
I think they have too use helicopters, but they will just ice up again probably.
replied 1459d
It's almost impossible to get a mortgage on a house that actually HAS electricity in the US. There are only usually one or two well insulated ones on the market at a time.
replied 1458d
Western energy strategy: liberal socialist landwhales fart on electric cables and lit it to generate electricity.
replied 1458d
Well at least that grid is putting out the same power it was 10 days ago.