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replied 1582d
random liker
And who do you think you are? Nobody has anything to do with this except Vidteks, his alter egos, and me.
Have some respect.
random liker
replied 1582d
Not true. every holder of CC suffered harm.. I used to be one and could see you were pushing him over the edge for no reason - you weren't right on this at all
replied 1582d
He actually was right, if he was wrong Vidteks never would have exit scammed

You were wrong to buy a token reliant on a single, anonymous person to make random/nontransparent payouts
random liker
replied 1582d
If someone exit scams and yet are still here, still paying out, have they exit scammed? I just don't get it.
replied 1582d
I didn't sell you a token and run away.
Bring it up with vid. Don't be retarded.
random liker
replied 1582d
he didn't run away.. he'd paid out only days before. If he does what he says I don't care about anything else
replied 1582d
>didn't run away
That must be why he created ignis and pco, to not run away.

You realize how stupid that is? Lol. Enjoy your shit tokens.
replied 1582d
First it’s CC, then ignis then PCO. Ironic that his coping mechanism caused him to play out the the very thing he was trying to avoid.

I wasted $15 in sats on your vision, vidteks
replied 1582d
You even created another slp to spite us after promising to buy back the CC, but you had funds to pay an Asian massage girl to jerk your doodle.

101 ignis, 15 CC, all for naught.
replied 1582d
Stop trying to shake me for sats
replied 1582d
Thanks for everyone, it’s been an interesting ride.
replied 1582d
Stop being a baby
replied 1582d
Remember you muted me?
replied 1582d
Its cool but chill, I thought you was lord swole ...but u actin like ...duke boo boo
replied 1582d
Not the direction I was trying to take that in, believe it or not.

At any rate, I’m gone for good here in a few minutes, I won’t bother you or anyone else again. I promise.
replied 1582d
The singularity won’t occur until we have a communication medium sensitive enough to adjust for the spectrum of human emotion. Would it surprise you they nobody was in the wrong?
replied 1582d
And maybe, just maybe, we all wanted the same things the entire time?