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replied 905d
But YOU can and should look at the real OFFICIAL numbers yourself from each country.... They ARE ALL lying to us!
replied 905d
Even Fox news!
replied 905d
Ha, no. You have no evidence that nations are lying. That said we can compare different nations numbers and see which are likely closer to the truth. Some are off, but thats irrelevant
replied 905d
I do look at the real and official numbers. That is why I know you guys are talking out of your asses.
replied 905d
Matrix has you
replied 905d
replied 905d
Odd thing about science and data is how you look at it can dramatically change your perspective. ESPECIALLY if you trust a certain BELIEF too much you'll be blind to truth....
replied 905d
Confirmed deaths from Covid, cumulative, relative to the population

FULLY vaxed ppl same countries and time periods
replied 905d
replied 905d
Those graphs show the deaths leveling off after the majority of people are vaccinated. Your graphs debunk your claims.
replied 905d
This only shows that you do not understand how to read the data. The only difference in how you look at it is from an educated or uneducated position.