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I lost access to my account a few months ago when I was put into jail and changed my passwd in a panic reaction. Sadly the developer of memo does not want to give me access e
replied 932d
ven as I have the private key for this account and he knows 100% its mine. I was the single most active user on memo for many years as you can still see in the highscore. Only John
replied 932d
| McAfee hacked his way on top of me with scripts that spammed memo, while my posts were all written by my hands. The developer of memo changed the private key recovery to a seed
replied 932d
| phrase recovery without providing that seed phrase ever. He made it impossible for me to recover the account. Anyway luckily we have a better platform now and I already have much
replied 932d
| more activity there. So lets meet on as memo apparently is going to die out because the developer was too egoistic or naive closing the source code. If
replied 932d
| he would have stayed open source then I personally would have kept improving it. This is how you kill a project that was started open source! Coincidence?! Who is that guy "Jason
replied 932d
| Chavannes" who trapped the BCH community in a social network he would sabotage afterwards?
replied 891d
I like your posts as they support Bitcoin Cash promotion.👍
replied 932d
You are using that account right now aren't you? What is the issue? You can't use your tokens ?
replied 244d
I also have an account in noise, before it was ok and smooth then all of the sudden they are gone now and many users from noise arw already in memo cash