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1705d · Bitcoin cash
Im looking for a job or start any business with BCH, any ideas? its very easy and cheap starting a project in here, lets create something
replied 1704d
I am developing a personal project that could soon become a startup (BCH based). If you are a designer I could be interested in some things, I could pay you in BCH. Are you interested?
replied 1703d
Yes, im interesed, where can we talk more privately? do you use protonmail?
replied 1703d
If you prefer, you can also open me a secret chat on telegram (my alias is @reizu).
replied 1703d
I don't use protonmail, but you can email me at [email protected] using my PGP public key 0x85d64b1a9931c44f (
Richard knife
replied 1704d
Tell more
Richard knife
replied 1702d
I may be. Please tell me more
replied 1705d
Do you have any business ideas?