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Could a basic income be built on top of Bitcoin Cash or another cryptocurrency, aside from Manna?
replied 2027d
A basic income is by definition corrupt. The money they give to their citizens is stolen from nature or other nations. They make you complicit in crimes against humans & nature.
replied 2026d
How is the money "stolen from nature or other nations"?
replied 2026d
Not necessarily.
Whom has Mannabase stolen from?
Their investors? And the whitepaper describes the ability to choose whether and how much to give coins to those you want to support.
replied 2026d
I can not answer that question but I look at it from a different perspective: where do the funds come from that arr used for a basic income? Are the rich getting generous?
replied 2026d
The Basic Income scheme, done on crypto, will survive or die based on whether it is usable to support people.
After the investment is used, if the protocol sucks and is unsustainable
replied 2026d
I wish I had put a comma in with the last character.

, then MannaBase would simply not be used, and die.
Like BTC's ultimate destination.