What interests me about this is, apparently the fat cats can get away with stuff like this. Is it possible to build a system where it at least is harder to do these things?
Fat cats don't trade commoner stock. They prefer being given options.
$18T lost, and people in congress were trying to make a quick buck off a stock trade at the risk of national
I believe they use other schemes as well, but in any case, my issue still stands: OK, we have a problem, but is it too soon to look for ideas to counter the problem?
When I am hungry, I know roughly where the fridge is, but I have to do some small adjustments (seeking) to get to it (try going to the fridge with eyes closed to understand this).
I guess you understand my point, though I also agree with what you said. In fact, I needed to be reminded that I seek outside help too much. So thanks for that. :)
OK, back to argument-bot mode: He wrote that, the book of five rings and so on. People actively reading that, do they not seek something outside themselves?
You remind me of my old comm professor, an argumentation specialist that could take a position, even the incorrect one, and punch holes in whatever point you had to make.
That may be a tool, though I believe in general such things are not understood by the masses, and over time the people protesting in this way are labeled as extremists and dealt with.