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Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1671d
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
Set up camp. Got the fire going and brewed up the first batch of mushroom tea.
Was a increadably clear night ( probably made more so by the shrooms) the stars were amazing.
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1671d
Then all of a sudden the stars turned off and then a like neon grid covered the sky ( think of Tron?) Crazy, the most intense visual I ever had.
The whole night was crazy, at 1 point
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1671d
A night fisherman came to fish of the beach and we couldn't quite decide if he was real or not lol!!!

Ah good times. Rip Lee who no longer with us, will never forget u my friend.
replied 1671d
"Excuse me sir, are you real?" :)