Of course elections are rigged. Why do you think the term "duly elected" exists? It implies the existence of "non-duly" elected officials. Do you think Saddam Hussein really got 100%
because the U.S. is soo much better. America, land of purest hearts. I have personally seen election ballots stolen away from the official vote counters inside the U.S. your naïveté
I carry no banner to drop, and never said it wouldn't be a slog to attempt. I agree top-down is easier and much more likely, but it is not the only way tor rig.
If you are in a lottery and they already have it set for the winner before the drawing, that is rigged. If someone decides to chuck a few entries, that's not rigged.
If the method they're using to arrive at the winner they want, is to steal ballots away after it's becoming apparent that they're losing, and then say "well because the election wasn't
able to be held in the proper manner, the state chair now must appoint the delegates instead of an election" then yes, stealing ballots away is a method for rigging an election.
Spoken like a true Democrat. Since rigging Diebold voting machines, having dead people vote, and throwing out GOP mail in votes don't count as "fraud", if Blue team wins from it...
(ERIC) found that officials identified just 372 possible cases of double voting or voting on behalf of deceased people out of about 14.6 million votes cast by mail