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1911d · memo
How memo becomes a blogging platform
replied 1911d
The OP_RETURN limit have gone on BSV. Good feature!
replied 1911d
Is BCH considering removing the limit for OP_RETURN?
replied 1911d
Nice!!! A little thing but so much value! #unfuckening
replied 1911d
#unfuckening before #flippening? Who would have thunk?
replied 1911d
hope this will happen on BCH as well.
replied 1911d
replied 1911d
Not sure if that's a good idea. The world needs a twitter replacement, not another blogging platform imo.
replied 1911d
There are not building services, they are building the architecture so that anyone can build another twitter or anything
replied 1911d
"How memo becomes a blogging platform"

I replied to this.
replied 1911d
1) the limit of op_return restricts not only memo but also every other service that would build on top of Bitcoin. I think, whether or not we need Twitter or blogging isn't a ....
replied 1911d
OP_RETURN can be pruned anyway. We need a better way in general.
replied 1911d
Pruning just means you don't have to keep it in your UTXO set. You still need them to validate transaction history.
replied 1911d
Better way?
replied 1911d
2) .. decision that should be made at the base protocol level.
replied 1911d
I wonder how it's fabricated and parsed? Further, are there any SPV clients that can request segments of the blockchain from the network at will? Good project idea
replied 1911d
I wonder how it's fabricated and parsed? Further, are there any SPV clients that can request segments of the blockchain from the network at will? Good project idea
replied 1911d
@memo, maybe lock the post reply button/submit bind to the return key? Not sure how this was double posted.