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I was looking for the best dramatic soap opera scenes and found this.
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1933d
What did I just watch ?????????
replied 1933d
A pillhead getting shit over a laundry list of drugs for her dying husband. I think she ODs not long after this scene, the movie it's from is actually really good, just a bit confusing
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1933d
Don't sound like the most up lifting, feel good movie !!

I'll try and remember the name and if I see it come up on a TV guide or Netflix I'll give it a try though :-)
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1933d
If it sucks thought dixnorkel, I'm blaming you dude !
replied 1933d
It's not for everyone, Tom Cruise has some pretty funny lines in it though.

Made grilled cheese with balsamic mushrooms for the gf today, she loved it. Thanks for the tip my dude
replied 1933d
Looks like something that would be on r/publicfreakout
replied 1933d
replied 1933d
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1933d
The best soap opera scene is usually, IMHO, the end credits ha ha ;-)
replied 1933d
Not a soap opera, it was a really good scene though. Magnolia was a great film overall