Create account

replied 1530d
Also, by any chance, did you (ever) have more than 1 BCH wallet setup? Although using the same derivation path, each new wallet uses a different 'account' path.
replied 1529d
Thanks for your help... even with your scammy site recommendation!
replied 1529d
Many people put a lot of effort in building what becomes tool. It works just like a calculator. I do not condone calling it names such as a scam. (cont.)
replied 1529d

1) I checked the code myself.
2) I checked the network traffic myself.
3) I also suggested an offline use to demonstrate nothing is sent back.
Have you?
replied 1529d
As I just said.. I was joking.. no offense to be taken... I was playing off of what the previous user had said.. I thought that was obvious. So again, no seriousness to that comment!
replied 1529d
LOL, okay. Inguess I didn't quite catch that.
replied 1529d
I’m not familiar with the site ;)
replied 1529d
I was kidding about the scam thing...
replied 1529d
I take it you've managed to solve your issue then. Cheers!
replied 1530d
There were a couple of subwallets in there.. 2 or 3
replied 1530d
The phrases and given derivation will lead us only to the main/first wallet. I'll check for the correct path for the subsequent wallets.

Meanwhile, did you try the iancoleman site?
replied 1530d
I did not. I’m at work right now. I’m going to check it out later when I get home. first, I’m going to give the desktop wallet another shot as that was Reccom again
replied 1530d
Sure, no worries. Let me know if you got it going later.

If you feel like reaching me in private later, it's on Telegram or @Fockz on Twitter and Keybase.
replied 1530d
Regarding Ian's site, it helps map out addresses without actually creating a wallet — clarifying the correct derivation path. But the legacy format asks for an extra /0 at the end.
replied 1529d
Default derivation path for wallets should be:
1st: m/44'/0'/0'
2nd: m/44'/0'/1'
3rd: m/44'/0'/2'
and so on…

To check the receiving addresses, use Ian's site and add /0.