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1967d · Bitcoin Cash
The main difference is that ABC will be ETH 2.0 and BSV will be capable of 1 TB blocks in the near future. Also ABC gets driven by people out for profit instead of creating a world currency
replied 1966d
I'm willing to bet that BCH will have larger sustained blocks before BSV. As soon as Graphene is fully activated in BU and ported to ABCs XThinner, it will be an indisbutable reality.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1965d
replied 1965d
So that nonsense is still being spread around. Ok. LOL.
replied 1965d
SV trolls on the suicide watch.
replied 1966d
Actually ABC seem to be the ones with actual plans of taking the blocksize up to 1TB. Especially since their code can, and SV cant. Why pretend BCH will be ETH?