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I will probably rename it: "Reflection of Time"

#Electronic #Music #BerlinSchool
replied 640d
Score: 7.5/10
replied 635d
Drums.. or not drums?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 635d
Always drums.
replied 635d
Only Drums!! :0))
Simon Van Gelder
replied 635d
replied 635d
replied 635d
I feel it is not the drums problem. It can be good BGM for RPG games, but I feel the melody is not memorable enough.
replied 635d
Doesn't really have melody, yet. But thanks for the advice about drums & melody. "Electronic Patterns" is a concept about repetitive patterns. So melody.. or not?!
replied 635d
Repetitive is not the problem. I think a track with score >= 9 should be memorable, which means I can't help humming it when relaxing.
replied 635d
Got it! :0) But you have for example.. tons of Tangerine Dream or Klaus Schulze tracks without melodies. Or "hidden" melodies. Chords or shapes of textures doing it.
replied 634d
Their best works. When melody emerges from cacaphony and you realize the structural elements of the tune were buried in the "noise" the whole time.
replied 634d
That's the kind of music I listen the most this last years..
replied 634d
replied 635d
I am not able to provide an example. But I feel that when humming, a track with drums will make it easier.
replied 635d
I like to hum too! :0)
replied 635d
Note that I must remain neutral and not be influenced by my listeners. haha