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replied 916d
Its okay if you dont want to believe me..i will try to buy new phone as soon as possible just to message you okay..i really need to return this phone..
replied 916d
I didn't say I did not believe you, how much is a new phone?
replied 916d
I need to delete this uther..this acc is open in that you understand me..i dont know..
replied 916d
Okay, just calm down lol..
replied 916d
I really need to go..i hate this!
replied 916d
Okay, just calm down, phones come and go..
replied 916d
I will delete this now..bye bye loveyou loveyou loveyou
replied 916d
Love you to
replied 916d
Hope fully i will get one soon..
replied 916d
Its not funny Uther..i will try to borrow phone tomorrow okay..
replied 916d
Okay just calm down, I am still going to be here, we can talk whenever, don't worry.
replied 916d
If ever i cant borrow phone and i cant watch you here..DONT FLIRT!!lol