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Bitcoin Cash Activist
replied 1715d
I sent the hash into the coinspice telegram chat and they said it was fake spice u are selling. if i am wrong i am sorry. but they did say it was fake
Bitcoin Cash Activist
replied 1715d
89c60f458fe67bdc9884c876e557b181149f4b03f8380dd35215dbccab8697b7 is this spice real????

Collin 🍾, [05.08.19 13:00]

Collin 🍾, [05.08.19 13:00]
Real spice starts w a 4
Bitcoin Cash Activist
replied 1715d
sp sp, [05.08.19 08:33]
is this spice real ? 89c60f458fe67bdc9884c876e557b181149f4b03f8380dd35215dbccab8697b7

Semyon Germanovich, [05.08.19 08:33]
[In reply to sp sp]
replied 1715d
Yes, but now I don't,I just unlisted My tokens