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replied 1543d
Did that chart factor in the propistion and the possibilty of a miners moving back to BTC?
replied 1543d
Of course not. But any news can change a pattern. Could be news about regulation, a killer app, Libra coin part 2, ETC. That's why it/s stupid to try and trade.
replied 1543d
Libra is pretty much dead at this point... Facebook is next... People are begging for a different type of outlet that brings it all together
replied 1543d
What I meant is some other institution trying to enter the space with a coin.
replied 1543d
Especially shorting. You will get your ass handed back to you in a poop bag.
replied 1543d
Remember, if Bill Gates could short Bitcoin, he would.
replied 1543d
The old " I would if I could" statement. LOL.