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replied 946d
To each according to his bags.
Uther Pendragon
replied 946d
You are talking to a depopulation shill
replied 946d
You can't be a humanist while not supporting rapid human depopulation.
replied 935d
I say dumb things when I am drunk, but you say horrible and disgusting things when you are sober. And you mean it, you are an extremely disgusting foul woman.
replied 939d
Graphic Warning Mass Execution
This is what Twatter supports as you can see in the above message, this is why I hate you if you support her
replied 939d
Anyone that supports you is a loser.
Uther Pendragon
replied 946d
I have zero respect for anyone that tries to be friends with Twatter, she supports depopulation over and over again even after being confronted about the issue.
replied 946d
We both appreciate Bitcoin cash and a share a mutual hatred for communism, I don’t have to agree with the general thoughts on humanity to find some common ground.
Dr. Uther 1MBFpC
replied 946d

... She spies on people and supports depopulation, she is a communist.
replied 946d
I’m not really trying to be friends with anyone. Text and lines of code are aren’t replacements for friendship. You don’t have to like someone to share similarities either.
replied 946d
There are people disappearing in the night, executed or hauled off to re-education camps. I’m not going to play along. Antifa and other subversives…I have plans for them.