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1053d · Robots stealing jobs and stuff
What interests me about this is the philosophical issues involved (see self-replies).
replied 1053d
Suppose robots took over all human jobs except the absolute top leader jobs, so us normies became obsolete. Would not those on the top tend to treat us like beggars and useless eaters?
replied 1053d
High level politicians are arrogant toward us now, think how they would feel when they do not even need our work potential. Seems to me we would be treated no better than animals.
replied 1053d
Are all the jobs that the robots "steal" jobs that we actually want to have to do ourselves? Like a secretary job of copying a letter? Where goes the limit?
replied 1053d
Many jobs humans just cannot do, like the supercomputer calculations. Or the missile guidance systems. So a limit seems necessary.
replied 1053d
We could ask people "do you want to do this job?" but if a computer could do the job as good as the human, and the human instead play games, should we let him? What if most chose that?