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sent · 25,000,000 sats 1903d
Thank you for the Spice Twatter, can you try to tip this out to people for me please?!
replied 1903d
I could do this as well if you'd like. Gradually with posts or i could simply do a batch distribution to the 81 profiles that follow me currently.

Just thought i'd throw it out there
replied 1903d
If you did the same amount, if my math is right i could distribute 25 million satoshis to 81 profiles at 308,641 sat per profile.
replied 1903d
I'll do my best. 😲
replied 1902d
Yow twatter can i get some from what unsual uther says? Hehe
replied 1902d
By the way is the shit from faucet and the one that you send to me is different? Haha sorry for being a dumb but im just curious
replied 1902d
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
replied 1902d
Lol accidentaly i clicked the unfollow but i managed to correct my mistake sorry
replied 1902d
Noiiccee thanks man.. 💪
replied 1903d
can i have some please xD
replied 1903d
i also had spice what should i do to them. actually im still learning crypto.! i dont have any idea?