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I predict that investment firms/Wall Street, will buy up and manipulate the price of bitcoin to scare everyday folk from getting in and old investors to sell off before the price explodes from scarcity. Thoughts?
replied 1662d
It already happened... The ticker is BLOK... Amplify Trust..
replied 1662d
Reading about this on market watch now.
replied 1662d
I picked up a few shares when it was around 12$
replied 1662d
But it's the closest thing to what I think ur talking about
replied 1662d
Hey baby ;) check email pls
replied 1662d
Aww thank you ;) thanks for... staying on top of it , its really nice of you
replied 1662d
I see how you got mixed up with the message you thought was for you, but intended for legendary twat yesterday.
replied 1662d
lol....I was sending a message to Vidteks just now. Don't know how else to do that....
replied 1662d
It’s just the formatting. No worries. I thought for a moment you were sending 10%, new user, coupons for your site. .2 BCH = 1 gimp mask show with reduced calorie syrup, or some shit
replied 1662d
You use gimp too? I've never used the ''mask'' function before. What's it for anyway?
replied 1662d
<====== the joke

/O\ <====== your head