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replied 1154d
LBRY embedded video works (at least at
replied 1154d
I'd like to see Streamable and Vimeo for starters, and probably another image hosting like ImgBB. I worked on the RegEx for Streamable and Vimeo on my own Member client implemation.
replied 1154d
| var streamable = /<a (?:rel="noopener noreferrer" )?href="(?:https?:\/\/)?(\w+\.)?streamable\.com(\/|\/a\/|\/)([\w\-_]{5,12})(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,4})*.*?<\/a>/g;

replied 1154d
| vimeo = /<a (?:rel="noopener noreferrer" )?href="(?:https?:\/\/)?(\w+\.)?vimeo\.com(\/|\/a\/|\/)([\w\-_]{5,12})(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,4})*.*?<\/a>/g;